Our Services
NCIA administers disputes referred by parties under the NCIA Arbitration or Mediation Rules.

NCIA (Arbitration) Rules 2015 were issued on 24th December 2015. The rules incorporate best practices in international commercial arbitration and provide a flexible institute administered procedure.Parties choosing our arbitration rules will benefit from in-built features meant to maximize on party autonomy with a balance of an independent impartial and empowered tribunal. NCIA secretariat augments these features through provision of independent institutional support.
The NCIA (mediation) Rules 2015 were issued on 18th December 2015. The Rules provide for an effective method for appointment of a mediator whilst respecting the parties self determination throughout the process. Recognising the need for an expeditious process, the Rules limit the period for mediation to 90 days from the date of commencement.
NCIA provides institutional support to the mediation process including physical facilities at the request of parties at competitive terms.