Training & Accreditation
The Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (NCIA) is a Centre established for the promotion of international commercial arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution mechanism. Section 5 of the NCIA Act 2013 mandates the Centre to provide training and accreditation programs for mediators and arbitrators and to educate the public on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms. In the execution of this mandate, NCIA offers accredited training programs for both Mediation and Arbitration geared towards the promotion of ADR as the preferred dispute resolution mechanism.

Arbitration Training
The NCIA Arbitration training program is focused on facilitating and promoting Arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism which covers; the law of obligations, the law of arbitration, arbitration practice and procedure and award writing. The Program’s key objective is the promotion of arbitration as faster, cheaper, less formal and more flexible than litigation.

Mediation Training
The NCIA Mediation training program is focused on facilitating and promoting Mediation an alternative dispute resolution mechanism of settling disputes and conflicts between individuals, groups and organizations. The Program’s key objective is the promotion of mediation as an efficient, sustainable and cost effective dispute resolution mechanism.